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Winning the Great Falls Garden Club Grant

Writer's picture: Kashmir Rose PandolfiKashmir Rose Pandolfi

I first saw the advertisement at the Old Brogue that the Garden Club of Great Falls was looking for children between the ages of 9 - 13 to apply for a Pollinator's Garden grant. I was so excited because I really wanted to help pollinator's and now I had a chance to win my first grant!

I was in Florida on workcation when I received an email from Great Falls Garden Club President Ms. Jennifer Murphy saying I had won the Grant. I was invited to meet with the Garden Club members at the Great Falls Garden and given an award, copy of the email that I had won and $150.00 check for the grant.

I even have my very own personal Master Gardener, Dr. Meghan McGinty to help me through the gardening process. She gave me my first plant called, Wild Bergamot, which will be covered with Swallowtail butterflies. I can't wait to start my Garden Journey. I will make sure to share photos and videos from my journey and my final report at the end of the season.

Thank you so much to the Great Falls Garden Club for introducing young children to the world of gardening that will help pollinators!

Here's a look at my Proposal:

Great Falls Garden Club

Narrative Garden Proposal

Kashmir Rose Pandolfi

April 11, 2022

I am creating a garden so that I can help the many pollinators that are endangered due to pesticides, pristine green yards full of chemicals, and loss of natural habitats. Honey bees pollinate about 80% of all flowering plants. According to the United Nations Environment Program, of the 100 crop varieties that provide 90% of the world's food, 71 are pollinated by bees. If bees go extinct, humans will be at risk too.

In 2021, I started a Pollinators Garden Club and invited my friends to learn about different plants, cycle of life, nutrients plants need, and planting experience such as winter sowing vs indoor planting of seeds. This year’s garden club meeting we planted our winter sowing seeds in March 2022. We had a total of 6 kids that were at the club meeting including me. I want to help more students learn about the importance of pollinators and planting. I would like to invite the Great Falls Garden members to visit my Pollinator Garden Club to give special talks and advice.

This grant will help me plant my first pollinator garden, but not my last.

Kashmir’s Plant List

Kashmir’s Maintenance Schedule

Kashmir’s Garden Space (7 feet x 7 feet) Kashmir’s Future Pollinator’s Garden Space

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1 Comment

doug Auld
May 16, 2022

Congratulations to you Kashmir!! Very inspiring!

If I had the space, I too would have a garden. Gardening is so much like creating art, music etc. A seed = an idea, then with some nurturing and time it becomes a living thing that was once not in existence .

A creative life is a good life!

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