Hello Blog World,
I am Kashmir, but you can call me Kitty K (the k stands for kang). My life is full of adventures and I want to share them with you over time, so we need to get to know each other. Let's start by listing some things we like. I like eating, sleeping in, playing with friends and family, traveling, animals, pets, ice skating, art, shows/live performances, lil outrageous littles#lol dolls, and gardening, I have traveled to OVER 35 countries on 4 continents. I'll tell you about those later.
My family includes Mama, Dada, chickens (names= rooster=Coconut, hens =Bolivia (goes by Olivia), Cream (named by Georgia from sweet pea to cream), Violet, Dark Fire, Dark Sparkle, Steven (goes by Steevy (always bullied), Nisa,) dog (Milan), cat (Mimi) + me!
I'm in 3rd grade and one of my favorite part about school is recess because I get to see my friends and play with them.
There is one thing you need to know about me, I have an overactive imagination so I love being very dramatic. I'm looking forward to writing blog posts that are fun, adventures and educational. I hope you'll follow me on this journey and see the world from a different perspective.
In the comments below write some things that you like, so I can learn about you too!