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Lemonade For Sale

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Hello Blog World,

On a hot summer day, what is better then a cold icy glass of fresh lemonade? Maybe, the pool and lemonade? Today, I will tell you a story about the time my friend Danielle (D) and I sold lemonade at our Lemonade Stand to help save my kittens. My parents said if I wanted to keep all the kittens, I would need to save enough money to get them all spayed. That costs about $500 per kitten and I have 7 kittens and 1 cat. So, the total amount of money I need to raise to Save My Kittens is $4000. So I figured I could make money by selling lemonade this summer.

Have you ever wondered where lemons come from? Well, I didn't know before we got our first lemon tree. Yes, they come from trees.

Someday I hope our lemon tree looks like this:

But this is what our Tree looks like:

How long after flowering do lemons actually form or ripen? After waiting 9 months we finally harvested our first bright yellow, waxy coating fresh lemon off of our tree. It smelled divine! But under the right weather conditions it can take a lemon flower between 4 and 12 months to become a fully ripe lemon. To learn more about lemons and lemon trees you can read this article: How Long Does It Take for Lemons to Ripen on a Lemon Tree?

Now, let's continue with what happened at the Lemonade stand. Danielle and I had no cloud of customers in the first 30 minutes while we waited under the shade of an old Maple Tree. My first customer was my mamma and my second customer was our neighbor who has this cute white dog name "Fabio." Many customers walked by in the later afternoon. When a customer walked by, we asked "Would you like some fresh lemonade?" We had trouble talking to people with headphone who were listening to music or a podcast. Some people read our sign and stopped by even though they didn't want to buy lemonade. They even made a donation.

After the busy customer streak we got tired of waiting so we decided to start selling door-to-door orders of lemonade. The first couple of homeowners we asked didn't want lemonade but wanted to stop by the stand. The first neighbor who ordered a delivery request was a new neighbor that I had never met. He was very kind, he ordered a pink lemonade and a regular lemonade.

At the end of the day we were able to raise $66.50 towards spaying the kittens. I have a lot more money to make, luckily I have some more time.

The lessons I learned from my first business:

  1. When setting up a lemonade stand you should setup early in the morning or late in the afternoon, otherwise you will not have many customers.

  2. It's important to keep count of your money because you need to keep track how much spent and how much money you made.

  3. When business is slow you have to think about creative ways to get more customers. When customers stopped walking by, we went to look for our customers!

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