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Blog of a Dog Having Pups

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Hello Kashmir's Blog World,

Me here, Milan, Kashmir's pretty spoiled dog. Today, I will tell you about the times I had puppies. The first time, I was 5 years old there was a big thunderstorm and I was hiding under a 60 year old Maple Tree. That's where I had my first litter of 4 chubby pups. I was scared, they were newborns but we needed to stay under the tree all night long.

My dad found me with the pups in the morning as he was about to get in his car and to go to work. He was so happy to see me because my family thought I had run away the night before, but when he saw the pups he got really happy and excited. Dad helped me bring all 4 pups in the house. My sister Kashmir helped my dad setup a bed for me and the pups in the basement.

I loved all the attention from my sister Kashmir. My sister was only 2 months older than me, but now she was an aunt to my puppies. She held the puppies and gave them lots of kisses.

Kashmir and I were thrilled to have the puppies to play with. For the first 2 weeks, the puppies didn't open their eyes. They used their sense of sniff aka (as known as) smell to crawl all over the pen to find me so they could drink milk. Until, they had teeth I had to produce milk to nurse them, but even when they got their teeth some were still drinking milk from me, as if I was a cow. My family was so concerned for me, so they ordered some puppy milk and bottles so they could help me feed those hungry cute mouths. I was often stuck in a puppy pen with them, so I couldn't run away. People came over to see us and eventually the puppies left with some nice people. I don't remember too much from the summer of 2016.

In March 2017, I had my second litter. It was the was best because my mom was with me the entire time it took me to have 8 pups. The first one came out around 12:30 pm EST. My sister was still at school, by the time she got home I had 6 pups. She was shocked and ecstatic because I had more pups then the first time already! I finally gave birth to the 8th puppy around 6 pm EST. Yes, I was exhausted and overwhelmed.

For my parents wedding anniversary we went on a 3.5 hour drive with the puppies on a family vacation! Kashmir made a fort at the rental house for me and the pups. The upstairs of the house was the perfect size for my sister. She took me upstairs to show me her mini house and to give me a break from the pups. Not that I didn't love them because I did, I just needed a little break to be loved by my sister Kashmir.

My sister asked our mom if she could bring the puppies and me to school so they could meet the kindergartners in my sister's class. So my mom packed us all in the trunk and drove to my sister's school. We got to meet more then 20 kids. They all loved the puppies, but some really loved me! Some of the kids from Kashmir's school ended up adopting my pups.

The last time I had pups was in November 2017. After that my family got me spayed so I couldn't have any more pups. There were 6 pups that were born, but only 5 came out alive. We all spent a fun winter holiday together. Most of the pups went to their new homes to celebrate Christmas with their new families!

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