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A Visit to Mount Vernon

Writer: Kashmir Rose PandolfiKashmir Rose Pandolfi

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

After a long one hour ride we finally arrived at our destination: Mount Vernon home of George Washington. We walked into the building and I prepared to learn all about the American Revolution. "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth," was written on the big wall. Think about a plant and its roots. The deeper and thicker the roots the stronger the plant. Strong plants can survive harsh winters and summers. So think of your freedom in that way and you can see how important freedom of speech is to this Nation.

Manure in Compost

One of my least favorite scents got my attention. My mom and I followed the scent of horse poo all the way to a section where they were teaching about composting. We learned about how George Washington's farm made and used compost. The ground needs nutrients just like we need nutrients. The three most crucial elements you need for exceptional compost are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

We played a game where you guessed what materials can go into your compost bin. Here are some examples of what goes into compost: kitchen morsels, chicken droppings, leaves, grass clipping, pruned plants, etc. List in the comment section what you think will go in the compost? Make sure to never add meat or dairy products.

Labor & Whiskey at Mount Vernon

More than 50 men and women worked in the skilled trades such as Coppers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Textile workers, Dairy Maids, Gardner's and Distillers. Washington's distillery produced more than 11,000 gallons of whiskey which was the largest in the Nation in 1799. There were other jobs at the mansion that required farmers and other laborers, such as cooks, housemaids, field workers and many more.

The men and women were allowed to be married, but they were not allowed to live together. The children lived with the mothers in the women's quarters. If the men wanted to visit their family they would have to travel some distance.

Evolution of Fashion

George Washington was not big on style like King Louis XIV of France. In order for Americans to distinguish themselves from European aristocrats they choose to modify their style of clothes. In the formal fashion of Englishmen, they wore tall hats called, "Victorian Top Hats." Instead, Washington choose to wear hats that were clipped together on the sides, they kind of looked like pirate hats! In Europe, wealthy men wore coats that were long in the back and short in the front, but Washington started wearing a coat that was the same length in the front and back. His pants were kind of plain and he carried a cane. Women of Europe wore Victorian style long dresses with a low poufy point and lots of gold silk. The American women starting wearing simple cotton dresses like the Greeks and Romans. They had nice sun hats and used umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun.

Who is interested in seeing the most famous teeth in the world? I know I am certainly not, but those of you that are I present: George Washington's Teeth.

French & Indian War

Have your ears ever hurt because of something so loud? Imagine hearing that over and over again in the night and day for years. That's what it sounded like during the French and Indian War! The French And Indian war lasted from 1754 - 1763. George Washington was sent with some men to ambush the French under the rule of the British, but was defeated forced to surrender back to Virginia.

Declaration of Independence

After losing the French and Indian war the British owed a lot of money. So they started heavily taxing the Americans, but the British did not want to provide the basic necessities the Americans needed to survive. So in 1776, the United States Continental Congress made a Declaration of Independence from British rule and control. The declaration came within one year of the start of the Revolutionary War which last until 1783.

The Declaration of Independence states three basic ideas:

(1) All men are equal and have the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

(2) the main business of government is to protect these rights;

(3) if a government tries to withhold these rights, the people are free to revolt and to set up a new government.

These ideas come from the European Enlightenment Thinkers such as John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, and Thomas Paine. You can review my presentation about the Rulers and Philosophers (Enlightenment Thinkers) during the Age of Reason by clicking HERE. I will write another post about Philosophy and Philosophers.

We live in one of the best countries in the world, but in the last couple years I have seen the collapse of American education system, economy, and a divide of the people where they no longer believe in the fundamental rights this country was founded on.

I leave it to you, where will we go from here? What will the future generation inherit from the current generation and will America crumble or rise again?



Danyal Babar
Danyal Babar
Mar 02, 2022

Great job Kashmir! I’m proud of you keep up the great work!


Rob Thompson
Mar 02, 2022

I hope our nation shall continue to be resilient and return to the basics rights this country was built on, that of a life & liberty, free from tyranny and taxation.


Dan Smith
Dan Smith
Mar 01, 2022

Excellent article, Kashmir.

You put in a lot of work.

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